Angus Yellowlees

Actor Theatre / TV  

Theatre / TV  



Angus was one of the standout graduates of LAMDA in 2017. After a year with a corporate agency, McEwan & Penford met with Angus to begin building what is shaping up to be a truly dynamic career in the arts. 

“When I signed with the James and the agency I quickly realised what I’d been missing out on in the whole client-agent relationship,” explains Angus. “I wasn’t nervous to call my agent anymore. It’s a very open and transparent relationship I have with everyone at McEwan & Penford. It’s teamwork, and they’ve helped me strategise a very real way forward for my career.”  

This opportunity was able to happen in a much stronger, more organic way.” 

Shortly after signing with McEwan & Penford, Angus landed a role in Last Commanders for the BBC. While filming on location in Glasgow, a casting call came through for the West End run of Touching The Void. “James knew I’m a pretty serious climber and managed to get me in. It was like one of those things that’s just meant to be and I ended up getting the lead role. Because they know me, who I am, and my interests, this opportunity was able to happen in a much stronger, and more organic way.”

Two weeks after finishing the run of Touching the Void at The Duke of York’s Theatre, the COVID lockdown hit and theatre productions came to a grinding halt. “But I’ve been doing more auditions than I’ve ever done,” tells Angus. He has filmed a role on the new Indiana Jones film since and appeared on Netflix’s The Sandman, Outlander and recently filmed a role for a new BBC series.

It really changed things for me.” 

“It’s been a lot of self tapes which, to be honest, had me really questioning myself. Usually you can read the room and people’s body language for feedback, but it’s so hard to pick up detailed and nutritious feedback on self tapes. I told the guys at McEwan & Penford about my situation and they put me in touch with one of their more experienced clients who does self tapes really, really well. Having that time to talk with someone so experienced on my approach to self tapes, and how to be critical of your own work in a constructive way was so valuable. It really changed things for me and it’s definitely helped me improve and secure the work I’m now doing.”



Bronté Barbé


Adeel Akhtar