Peter Forbes



With an enviable career as one of the UK’s finest actors in modern theatre, Peter Forbes has been part of the McEwan & Penford fold since 2007. Our agency began representing Forbes shortly after his old agent retired. As part of the original cast of Black Watch, the highly acclaimed play that garnered four Olivier Awards, Forbes had a lot of options laid before him.

“The thing that struck me when I met with the team at McEwan & Penford, was that they told me we’d have to have some uncomfortable conversations,” explains Forbes, pointing out the roles offered might not always be the best options for his career. “I knew I didn’t want to join a big agency as I felt it’s quite easy to get lost,” continues Forbes. “And to be able to have difficult conversations, and know it’s in no way personal, that it’s in your long term interest, was very reassuring.”

Strategy, rather than mindless job offers was something that appealed to Peter. “I think it’s important that the agent and the client can assert their position and be clear about why certain jobs are better for your career, even if another is more appealing to you as a project,” says Forbes. “What I really like about working with Aileen and James, is that they respect how I feel about a project, and never talk me into doing something. But they will always highlight the positive elements that I might not have seen in a project I’m less enthusiastic about.”

“I actually got a series booking not long afterwards, that I might never have got otherwise.”

In the years since joining McEwan & Penford, Forbes has performed at The National several times, as well as developing a wealth of screen work in tv and film. “One time, I was trying to decide between two jobs, one was a play in Scotland, a new play by Ian Rankin. It was a nice part, but I was also offered a couple of smallish parts at a play at the Donmar. As it was nearing the time to make a decision, Aileen rang and pointed out a few things. I wanted to develop some screen work, and realistically, they wouldn’t be able to get anyone up to see me in the Scottish play, but at the Donmar, casting directors would get to see me up close. I’d been thinking about which part looked more interesting to me, but Aileen really shifted my perspective. As an actor, you sometimes have to be quite tunnel visioned in what you’re doing, and having someone bring that other perspective is incredibly valuable. I booked the Donmar, and actually got a series booking not long afterwards that I might never have got otherwise.”

“I always want the next job to be different. I like that variety.”

Peter has since enjoyed roles in Steven Sondheim’s Follies, Jack Absolute Flies Again and a slew of tv and film projects. “I always want the next job to be different,” says Forbes. “I really enjoy that variety, and Aileen and James have helped me do that. They’ve enabled me to take roles that challenge myself, while also helping me develop my career.”





Isobel Thom